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Cat Snackie | Minty Green

$28.00 $34.95

Today’s busy lives demand a whole new level of versatility from snack products.

Luckily our Cat Snackie™ can handle any situation you throw at it! Pop it in the freezer, use it to whip up quick microwave snacks and even bake some kitten delights with cute whiskers.

The food-grade silicone Snackie turns grazing on the go into a toddler feast. Every Snackie consists of a bowl and plate secured by a flexible silicone strap to hold them together. Fill your Snackie with healthy home-made treats and get around those sugary impulse buys when toddler tantrums come knocking. With its small soft-touch design, our Cat Snackie will turn into little one’s favourite especially for those spontaneous backyard picnics at home. Snack time can be fun while helping your toddler learn those important independent meal time habits.

And best of all, you can simply let your dishwasher deal with the mess when your adventures come to an end.

Find out why our minty green Cat Snackie is the purrrfect meal time companion for your munchkin.

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